It is an exciting time in the life of you and your book. You’ve survived the drudgery of editing and the layout process and now your book is hitting the printing press. The next step in the process – spread the word!

Part of the process of getting the word out about your new book is a promotional event. Sadly, many authors feel this is an unnecessary step when self-publishing. However, in my experience, hosting an event to celebrate the official birth of your book is an important and valuable part of the publishing process.

Tips for Hosting Your Promotional Event

1. Press release. The first step is to create a press release announcing your new book. Most newspapers are no longer printing them, however, if you have a community newspaper, they may not only publish the announcement, but may also include a picture! Additionally, the best use of your press release is for the Internet. Check out this article on how to use a press release for promotion. Press Releases: Still a Viable Marketing Tool.

2. Selecting a venue. I have had some authors balk at the idea of a promotional event because they didn’t want people to come to their home but there are lots of venue options for new authors. You may not have a budget for renting a hotel ballroom or party center but you may be surprised to find other locations willing house your event. Here are a few affordable ideas:

a. Check with your local library. Many have meeting rooms and it is also a great way to connect with your local librarians about the possibility of putting your new book on the shelf. Family restaurants are also a possibility.

b. Chains like Panera Bread often have meeting rooms they are willing to reserve at no charge or just for the price of food.

c. Local wineries often have meeting rooms available for an event and it could be fun to host a wine and cheese book release event.

d. Local bookstores are also a great venue. Check with the local owner/manager about the possibility of hosting a book signing event.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8957162


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